

We are ISO 9001: 2015 certified

This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, motivation and commitment on the part of management, the process approach and continuous improvement. ISO 9001 :2015 helps to ensure that customers get consistent products and services, and good quality.

AMP Authorization

We are listed in the register of authorized companies

The AMP grants us authorization to contract or sub-contract with a public body, according to the government agencies Contracts Act


We use French in our organization

The Agency certifies that our company complies with the objectives of the Charter of the French language in the use of French in all areas of activities within our organization.


  • Created in 1997
  • A Large diversity with over 19 nationalities 
  • More than 200 employees i
  • Province-wide presence


  • We put people at the heart of everything we do and accomplish every day
  • We are implementing concrete measures to promote the well-being and fulfillment of our employees
  • We want to make a difference in communities through the projects we carry out and our social involvement


  • We are constantly explorting how technology can enable us to evolve in our expertises
  • We are open to the desire for change in the way of doing business with our customers
  • We build resilience and learn form every experience, whatrever it is


  • We constantly want to be a benchmark in our diffrent services by positioning ourselves as experts with the ability to listen and support our customers.
  • We conduct our business by providing quality work and expertise
  • We are concerned with improving ways of doing things and bringning added value


  • We value communication and cooperation in order to all work together in the same direction
  • We promote the transmission of knowledge and the sharing of experiences among our people
  • We take time to understand the reality of the other and the challenges of each other


It is our fuel. It pushes us to surpass ourselves, to innovate, to align our commitment and our mission for our customers and our organization.

Before any notion of profitability and business, what motivates us and what drives us is the desire to evolve and have a positive impact on the community.
Cameleon - Agence Web


Conception fait par : Agence web JM