About this expertise

Our team of professionals specializing in building mechanics and electricity will analyze your needs in detail and will suggest the concepts best suited for you project, based on the criteria that we have established jointly with you. We seek to work solutions allowing excellent performances whiles considering the costs of construction and operations of the proposed systems.

From the pre-project study, through the production of plans, specifications  and construction minitoring, our team remains abreast of the latest technological advances in this area and will not hesitate to let you know so that your becomes a benchmark in its sector of activity. Here are the main expertises offered by our team:


  • Energetic efficiency
  • Ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Plumbing and heating systems (electric, hot water, geothermal, etc.)
  • Refrigeration systems (direct expansion or electronic network)
  • Automatic regulation and intelligent building
  • Mechanical design for generator room
  • Energy Modeling
  • Sprinkler systems (fire protection)


  • LV and MV electrial distribution 
  • Interior and exterior ligthing systems
  • Wall and modular charging stations
  • Generator systems and backup energy
  • Photovoltaic panels and energy storage
  • Fire detection


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