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Réseau de Communication Eeyou (RCE)


As part of a mandate entrusted to us, the RCE has contracted Infrastructel's expertises to carry out preliminary and detailed engineering for the deployment of 5 FTTH networks in 5 municipalities in the BayJames Area. Chisasibi, Wemindji, Eastmain, Radisson and Nemaska. In total, the network to be deployed was to allow service at the level of 2 000HP and the network length to be deployed (power and distribution) was several tens of km.

Since this was the customer's first experience in deploying a network with a FTTH deployment architecture, the RCE commissioned us to perform a benchmarking study across various architectures. deployment, with CSP, with LCP and merged splitters) as well as a wave division option study (1/16, 1/32, 1/64) and the combination of feeding and distribution cables.

Following this study, the RCE then mandated us to develop all the design standards and the preparation of a guide framing the design of FTTH type networks. This guide was intended for staff involved in planning and detailed design for FTTH networks in existing areas.

We finally carried out the detailed engineering to design the external fiber optic network according to the chosen method, as well as the optical splitter boxes, terminals, fusing boxes, the fusions on the plates according to the numbering established, as well as additional support elements (addition or modification of strands and stays) and pole load calculations.

We also carried out Detailed Engineering to design subsurface network portions using existing underground infrastructure and preparing sealed plans for the construction of new conduits and pedestals.

The two major challenges in this project have been geographical remoteness and the high level of refusal of permits, for which responses have been slow to obtain.